Saturday, January 12, 2013

Choice and Accountability Value Project Ideas

Create a "Sunday Box" filled with ideas of appropriate family activities to do on the Sabbath. Use it each week at home.

Read The Miracle of Forgiveness by Spencer W. Kimball and share impressions of the book with a parent or YW leader.

Go through the closet or personal music library and evaluate items based on the standards listed in For the Strength of Youth. Discard inappropriate items.

Write a YW Sacrament Meeting Program (need permission from the bishop)

Make monthly Personal Progress reminders to hand out to every YW for 6 months

Make FHE kits to give to families in the ward, 3 months' worth-including recipes, games, lessons

Train for and participate in a 5K walk or run

Watch or re-watch general conference, all 4 sessions, and the Young Women general session. Then write in your journal how it applies to the value that you are working on and how it affects your life

Plan and carry out a modesty fashion show

Create a blog- could be about your Personal Progress goals, how you choose to life your life, your testimony, things you learn from your scripture study, etc.

Compile a family testimony book- have testimonies about how their choices have affected their testimony

Create a work of art that shows how good choices can help you

Write and illustrate a children’s book about choices and their consequences

Start a book club and find clean books to discuss

Compile quotes from General Authorities about the young women’s values and make a scrapbook

 Read a book by a General Authority and write in your journal about how following the ideas in the book will help you

Keep a scripture journal and write in it every day

Plan out healthy menus for your family- keep a food diary and write about how keeping the word of wisdom helps you

Decorate your room on a budget. Decide what is appropriate to have in your room.

Find time to do stress-reducing activities. Write in your journal about how you can keep in control of your emotions and what activities help you keep calm.

Organize your room or another place in your house

Have a “For the Strength of Youth Night” with the youth and discuss the pamphlet

Sew a modest skirt or dress

Complete Scripture Hero Journal found on

*Disclaimer- These have been collected from many sources on the internet and a few are my own ideas. I am not taking credit for coming up with all of these ideas, just collecting them!

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